Discover how Local Offers can help you save money and more.
Discover how Local Offers can help you save money on everyday purchases and services.
Local Offers is a platform that connects users with live deals and discounts from local businesses.
Local Offers is a valuable platform for discovering and accessing exclusive deals from local businesses, helping you save money on a variety of services and products.
By using Local Offers, you support local businesses, find personalized deals based on your location, and enjoy the convenience of negotiating offers directly through the app.
Additionally, the platform provides a wide range of categories, making it easy to find deals that suit your needs
Offers are special deals that you can negotiate, while Products/Services are what the business provides.
We only share your first name with the business, so feel free to negotiate for the best deals without hesitation.
Keep an eye out for Sponsored Invites to take advantage of these unique promotions & when they appear, be sure to negotiate if you’re interested!
An offer with an Ad tag indicates that the business has paid to promote this specific deal.
These tagged offers often feature exclusive discounts or special promotions, making them highly attractive and beneficial for you.
Keep an eye out for Ad tags to find the best deals and savings.
Request A Business is a feature that allows you to suggest businesses you'd like to see on our platform.
If you have a favorite local business or a service provider that you think should be featured, simply use this option to let us know.
We'll reach out to them and work to bring their offers and services to you, ensuring that your preferences are met.
Local Offers is currently available on iOS devices and will soon be available on Android devices.